Jesus Smiled

Jesus came back
as promised for years.
He appeared in each face
and smiled. "Weep no more," His smile said. "Dry each others' tears. God's Divine Love
is born in every child.   You cannot lose it and you cannot refuse it.
You are as I AM,
the light of the world. This is my final judgement. Release your fears.   The peace you seek
is right now at hand.
The Universe complete
in a grain of sand. On this rock of Truth we may all proudly stand.
Provided bounteous bread. Infused with delight, baked for all to partake. Given eternal life made possible by the love we make.   Planted with abilities of mind. To each one's quest our talents are tended.   Healed of separation. Void of limitation. Conflicts resolved. Broken hearts mended.   Tame your tongue and think anew. All clichés in time come true.   Cast off hesitation,
let all doubt go. God's Love can never be taken from you. Consider yourself as One
in the know.   Within you shines brightly the origin star. You are fated to find it. You need not look far. No matter aged or child, safe at home or lost in the wild. Love is who you are. You need not know how. Slow it down a bit.

No need to race. There really is no "there"
to be first. Only here and now. God's Love
does not dwindle, despite the depths you fall or confusion you kindle. Never has Love known more. More can not supplant All.   Nothing changes what I say. You can bet on your life these are winning stakes. The universe was created perfect and remains perfect in every way. God makes no mistakes"   And Jesus smiled, "All beings on Earth and beyond are my body and blood. Accept this gift with every breath. Each moment, a joyful union. Each birth loosening death.   I respect the words you say
and honor the view you see. Please indulge yourself and practice the same today. Play with others as if you were me.   Focus on unity and the love of one another. Find the fine thread that connects. God shines with perfect light every facet of creation reflects.   Growth comes with each step you take, and each thought passed by your mind.   How often have you thought you have more than you need?   How often have you thought it feels good to be kind?   How often have you thought God wants you to succeed?   How often have you succeeded in accepting what you find?   The past, a footprint in the dust. The future, the fruit of our creed. Here and now is eternity to harvest honey. There is plenty for everyone and plenty of mouths to feed. Does a child of God have need for lawyers, guns or money?   Hard lovers and easy riders too, I wink a nod of approval to you. It is your respect I wish to earn. The same applies to all as to others. Mohammad, the Buddha and I breathe as brothers. They have much to teach me cause I have much to learn.   My message is simple. You are loved for who you are, not the illusions you sustain. As it is written, you are birthed Imago Dei. Created perfect and perfect you remain.   Christian or Muslim,
Zen or Jew, those who have no belief but to wade in the morning dew.
With you I pray and play, Sing poetry and practice meditation. Manifesting a Universe safe and pure.   You can choose to criticize or taste sweet discovery. Perhaps division leads to decay, and denying Our Love makes pain endure. God wishes you only good. That is for sure."   And Jesus smiled, "The future looks dim for bigotry and those who spare no expense on their greed. Gaining more than you give, be it sport, trade or game, is a hollow need.
You are all my sheep.
Do some deserve less than others? Competition or cooperation, which focus does Love keep? Have you righteous reason for denying equity
to your sisters and brothers?   Truth does not separate treasures we have from abundance we think. Eternal thought is pure, peaceful waters run deep. A satisfied man shares his first and last drink.   Supplied for you are miraculous means and your heart's beat measures all ends. You are conceived
whole and complete
and in time
returned to new form, with family and friends.
I reach out my hand to you, if it's a hand you need. But as I told you before, you are perfect just as you are, you are grown from God's sacred seed.   Whether in the air, on land or at sea, you are the All to your very core. One with The Creator now and evermore."   And Jesus smiled, "Have brave and original thought. Be right here and right now, alive in the moment. Tread on fear. Choose words that allow others heaven. Reign in your soul, storm in your brain. Listen for music that lightens your day.   Respect your body,
perfect but temporary. Truly a glorious temple, bones raised by spirit. You are magnificent creatures I'll tell you again and again.
You'll recognize my voice every time you hear it, and pass it on every time you smile. My message is always the same. I wish for you a lover's kiss and time to rest a while."   "You are composed of that holiness which blesses the stars into view.   The moon,
like the sun too, blooming bright or blue, is born
from the same spark as you. Rolling across the sky each moment new.   Rhythmic rhymes sung in praise heals all need and shares no lie. Your economy flourishes
with songs of justice.
Material fortune gained by deception is withered and rotten. Your worth is the love you are willing to give. Your debts, withholdings and the misbegotten.   Bliss does not require desire. Satisfaction is simple by deduction. There is nothing in the past you need right now to know. Your eyes light afire when accepting God's Love
and know it is so.   Disease, like well being, comes and goes, ebbs and flows
like all nature. It can be strengthened or diminished by the will of the mind.
Heal one another
I say to you. Let your tongue
speak its passion. Allow guilt to resign.   Dance righteously when your feet find that they can. Being Light in motion is a blessing for everyman.   Sleep peacefully under that starry night. Regard one another with abundance in your sight.   Live daily
as if it were your last. Remember each day to forget the past.   Regard yourself well and offer reparation. The chain of love
has no missing link. You are closer to God than your mind can think.   The sum of All is One. You can figure it out by dividing the difference of what you must do and what you think others should.   Do that which reveals joy. Manifest wealth.   Do that which feels good. Manifest health.   If you must resist a temptation, resist the temptation to judge.   Give to others a loving nudge.   Let peace be your passion. Make charity a priority. Respect each other with clarity and sobriety. You will be happy and wise and always a majority"   Jesus offered namaste and smiled again, "Know that our hearts
are forever entwined. My blood runs in your veins. Remember who you are and mind not the lies you may have been taught. Think no fear and fear no thought.   God's Love lives every where you look. The key to all locks, in every word
in every book. Guiding your sight and giving you wisdom to see All can be right.   Meditate on my words

but go beyond these limiting lines. I kiss your face gently Ee'r the sun shines. In dark of night I burn in you ever lasting inner light.   Love's language composes you and sings your song forever. God provides all Ways and is always willing to deliver.   Sow a spiritual garden. Tend to the seed. Focus on knowing that All get their need.
Let go of limitations, God provides as you believe. My smile is yours for the seeing.
The Universe appears as you perceive.
God's Love is present in every being. Give to others what you would receive."
Jesus came back
and everyone smiled.
A smile from knowing
God within.
Me and You
and every child.
  Comments, criticism and hugs welcome.   © 2004-2023 by Rob Chavez